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Looking at SQLite Unicode behavior

In this post, I want to have a look at how SQLite interacts with Unicode. (Also see my post The (dark) magic of Unicode.) As explained here, SQLite doesn't have full Unicode support unless that support is explicitly included when SQLite is compiled.

So what does this mean in practice?

Full article / permalink - posted 2023-09-05

SQLite: add a powerful database engine to any app

When I was 24, I decided to give up my job and go to college and study computer science. If I'd have known how many database classes that involved, maybe I would have reconsidered.

Back then, we had a big server that ran a RDBMS (relational database management system) that hundreds of students all used together. These systems were big, complex and expensive. (Oracle made its fortune selling RDBMSes.) MySQL and PostgresQL are somewhat more streamlined free and open source RDBMSes. Much better, but firewalling, user authentication and backups are still somewhat of a headache. But hey, if you need a database, you need a database.

Enter SQLite.

Full article / permalink - posted 2023-09-04

Skyline #20, regenboog-editie

Image link - posted 2023-08-27 in

SDBox: a cheap SD card adapter for your Amiga

I was watching the videos on the BBC Master computer on the Adrian's Digital Basement Youtube channel. Adrian has cleaned up this old Acorn BBC Master, restored the keyboard to full functionality and then started to "Americanize" it by changing the power supply to use 120 V, and making the composite video NTSC rather PAL.

But what really peaked my interest is that he made a tiny little interface to hook up SD cards to the Master's user port. I think it only uses four wires. There's a very small circuit board, but that only has some resistors to adapt the user port's 5 V to the 3.3 V used by SD cards. Apparently, that's all the hardware you need for reading (and writing?) SD cards. Wow.

Could this also work on an Amiga?

Full article / permalink - posted 2023-08-21

Verkiezingen komen er aan! #1

Een kleine drie weken geleden viel het kabinet Rutte-4. Sindsdien hebben premier Rutte en alle vice-premiers aangekondigd na de demissionaire periode de politiek te gaan verlaten. Twee lijsttrekkers van de verkiezingen van 2021 waren al vertrokken en nog eens drie hebben aangekondigd niet verder te gaan. We gaan de verkiezingen van 22 november dus tegemoet met een flink aantal verse lijsttrekkers.

Full article / permalink - posted 2023-07-26

Looking back on 50 years of Ethernet

On Geoff Huston wishes Happy 50th Birthday Ethernet.

Back in 2011 I wrote an Ars Technica feature about the history of Ethernet: Speed matters: How Ethernet went from 3Mbps to 100Gbps… and beyond.

Interesting to compare our different takes!

And of course Ethernet is still going strong. My oldest computers have the original 10 Mbps Ethernet adapters that I got almost 30 years ago, while my newest computer has 10 gigabit Ethernet, 1000 x faster.

Permalink - posted 2023-06-29

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